Gaia Professionals
Free shipping on orders over $250!

Contact Us

Please call or write if you have any questions or concerns regarding our products. We love to hear from our customers!

Customer service is available Monday through Friday from 7:30 am – 6:00 pm Eastern time.

Gaia Herbs PRO is proud to offer wholesale accounts to licensed practitioners. Create a practitioner account to get started. You will also gain access to practitioner exclusive resources, protocols, and promotions. Plus, receive support from a dedicated Gaia Herbs PRO team member.
Toll free ordering: (888) 917-8269

Gaia Herbs PRO is pleased to offer drop-shipping to your patients with no additional fee.

For general inquiries or comments
Phone: (800) 831-7780
Fax: (800) 717-1722

[email protected]

Physical address
101 Gaia Herbs Road, Brevard, NC 28712 USA

For product information
If you have a specific product-related question, compliment, or complaint (including adverse health events), please contact our Product Information Team by e-mail at [email protected]

A wide range of our products are also available through our distributor partners.
Fullscript, Inc. Phone: 888-633-7620
Emerson Ecologics Phone: 800-654-4432