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Event - Targeting the 24-Hour Circadian Cycle with Botanical Adaptogens*

Event - Targeting the 24-Hour Circadian Cycle with Botanical Adaptogens*

JULY 12TH, 2023 | 4-5 pm EDT


Dr. Mary Bove

FREE Webinar
Most conversations about circadian cycle revolve around melatonin and sleep hygiene. And while both have significant roles in supporting circadian rhythm, it is important not to neglect certain foundational systems. Commonly, individuals experience continuous stress without adequate recovery. An important aspect of restoration is re-establishing a normal day/ night HPA axis cycle for adrenal hormones released, cortisol being but one of those.*  Daytime and nighttime applications of botanical adaptogens for restoration of a healthy 24-hour circadian cycle will be discussed with emphasis on stress sequelae and general neuroendocrine enhancement.*

Herbs discussed include: Rhaponticum, Rhodiola root, Holy Basil, Eleutherococcus, Licorice root, Magnolia bark, Mimosa bark, Lemon Balm, Ashwagandha root, and Reishi

This webinar is for healthcare professionals and students only.

To register, CLICK HERE. Select register, enter your information, and then select submit.

The webinar will be held 4-5 pm EDT.

CE Information - This webinar has been approved for the following:
• 1.0 credit of Naturopathic Continuing Education by The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians for NDs.

Please see details on the webinar registration page regarding receipt of CE credit. Eligible for those on the live event only.

About the Presenter:
Dr. Mary Bove herbal advocate, educator, and innovator holds a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, Midwifery Certification and Diploma of Phytotherapy/Herbal Medicine. She practiced Naturopathic Family Medicine and Midwifery for 25 years, specializing in naturopathic pediatrics, botanical medicine and homebirth.

Once full-time faculty at Bastyr University, Dr Bove chaired the departments of Botanical Medicine and Naturopathic Midwifery. Dr Bove is the author of the Encyclopedia of Natural Healing for Children and Infants and co-authored Herbs for Women’s Health. Mary has been published in many magazines, journals and collaborative books on botanical and natural medicine.

In collaboration with Gaia Herbs® Dr Bove developed an herbal remedy line designed specifically for children. She has worked as Medical Educator and in formulation research and development for Gaia Herbs Brevard, NC. Dr Bove currently lectures writes, and teaches internationally on the topics of naturopathic medicine, botanical medicine, pediatrics, natural pregnancy and childbirth, traditional food medicine, and mind-body healing. Starting her herbal journey at age 18, Mary has held firm to three tenets: “Walk your talk, believe in the plants and practice herbalism every day in your life.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This webinar and/or products is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.