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A Review of Vitex

Taken orally, Vitex angus-castus is considered a prominent botanical during a women’s natural life cycle, including the transition into menopause and menstrual cycle issues. Other uses include supporting the endocrine system for preconception and maintaining healthy and timely ovulation. Historically traditional uses of this popular women’s herb include supporting a sense of calm for occasional anxiousness, a restful night of sleep, and the relief of occasional aches and pains.* We reviewed the published evidence and the historical basis for all of these uses, reviewed dosing, contraindications, and discussed other herbs that work in conjunction with Vitex.

Webinar: Vitex: A Review of Multiple Uses in Gynecology, Endocrinology and Primary Care for Women*

Download webinar. Recorded on January 28, 2020. Presented by Dr. Tori Hudson, ND.

Herb Research Review: Chaste Tree

This papers provide a summary of relevant clinical research, clinical application, and dosing and safety considerations for the following herbs: Chaste Tree

A Research Review of Chaste Tree  by Dr. Beverly Yates, ND