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Common Infections in Women

There are many common infections that women experience throughout their lifetime. The webinar and white paper below focuses on evidence based natural support for some of these infections that occur, such as those involving the urinary tract and reproductive systems, among others. Special attention will be paid to the research and historical use of botanicals for these common conditions.

Botanicals to be discussed: cranberry, Oregon grape root, uva ursi, green tea, St. John’s wort, lemon balm, cruciferous extracts, turmeric, tea tree, goldenseal, garlic, and pipsissewa.

Webinar - Botanicals for Common Infections in Women

This webinar focuses on evidence based natural treatments for cystitis, herpes simplex, yeast and bacterial vaginitis, and human papilloma virus. Special attention will also be paid to the research and historical use of botanicals for these common infections in women.

Botanicals to be discussed: cranberry, Oregon grape root, uva ursi, green tea, St. John’s wort, lemon balm, cruciferous extracts, turmeric, tea tree, goldenseal, garlic, and pipsissewa.

Download webinar Recorded on June 12, 2013. Presented by Dr. Tori Hudson, ND.