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Hepatoprotective Herbs

Botanical remedies can be used to treat a variety of issues and diseases. The webinar and white paper below look at ways to maximize the use of hepatoprotective herbs. Though there are many herbs that can help strengthen the liver, there are five herbs that are particularly effective medicinal agents for treating liver problems.

They are:
1. Milk thistle
2. Turmeric
3. Licorice
4. Schisandra
5. Chinese skullcap

Webinar : Maximizing the Use of Hepatoprotective Herbs

There are many botanicals that have specific effects on liver function. Some have more anti-oxidant effects, others restore hepatocyte function, others may impact a specific detoxification pathway and others are considered traditional liver tonics. Some of the botanicals we will discuss include milk thistle, turmeric, Chinese skullcap, licorice root and schisandra.

Download webinar Recorded May 9, 2012. Presented by Dr. Tori Hudson, ND


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