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Hormone Balance and Toxicity

Hormone imbalance in women is becoming more and more common. Part of that stems from our increasingly toxic world, and the larger toxic load we’re being asked to deal with. In this talk, we explored the relationship between toxicity and hormone balance, and discussed how best to improve detoxification. Better detoxification leads to better hormone balance, so this is an area that should not be forgotten as you work with hormonal issues in your patients/clients.*

Achieving Hormone Balance by Dealing with Our Toxic Burden: The Relationship Between Toxicity and Hormones

Download webinar Recorded on March 21, 2018. Presented by Dr. Wendy Warner, MD, FACOG, ABIHM.

Herb Research Reviews: Chaste Tree and Green Tea

These papers provide a summary of relevant clinical research, clinical application, and dosing and safety considerations for the following herbs: Chaste Tree and Green Tea.

A Research Review of Chaste Tree by Dr. Beverly Yates, ND

A Research Review of Green Tea by Dr. Tori Hudson, ND