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Low Mood Support

Globally, approximately 280 million people suffer from mood issues, and some are interested in turning to herbs rather than using traditional pharmaceutical options. This presentation discussed Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), supportive strategies, and ethical issues related to deviating from these traditional options.

Common mood support Pharmaceuticals and the following botanicals were discussed: Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm), Hypericum perforatum (St John’s Wort), Crocus sativus (Saffron), Matricaria chamomila (Chamomile), Rhodiola rosea (rhodiola)

Webinar: Alternative Botanical Low Mood Support - Strategies and Considerations*

View webinar recording Recorded on December 8, 2021. Presented by Dr. Lise Alschuler

Herb Research Reviews: Lemon Balm, St. John's Wort, Rhodiola

These papers provides a summary of relevant clinical research, clinical application, and dosing and safety considerations for the following herbs:

A Research Review of Lemon Balm by Dr. Mary Bove, ND

A Research Review of St. John’s Wort by Dr. Michael Traub, ND

A Research Review of Rhodiola Rosea by Dr. Tori Hudson, ND