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Musculoskeletal Herbal Support

Living a happy and healthy life includes movement, from exercise to hobbies, being able to move is key to vitality and joy. Healthy inflammatory support is a key approach in helping people maintain joint mobility. In addition to nutrition, movement and other complementary strategies, botanicals can offer critical inflammatory support for musculoskeletal health. This presentation provided an overview of several key botanicals to support connective tissues including ginger, licorice, cayenne, turmeric, frankincense, and devil’s claw. The integration of these herbs into clinical practice was illustrated with case studies from two leaders in integrative health.

Webinar : Movers and Shakers: Musculoskeletal Herbal Support*

Download webinar Recorded on October 3, 2018. Presented by Dr. Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO and Dr. Mary Hardy, MD.

Herb Research Reviews: Ginger and Turmeric

These papers provide a summary of relevant clinical research, clinical application, and dosing and safety considerations for the following herbs: Ginger and Turmeric.

A Research Review of Ginger by Dr. Tori Hudson, ND

A Research Review of Turmeric by Dr. Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO