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Top 10 Herbs For Women's Health

Women’s health includes a wide array of gynecological and primary care issues….with some being more important or only relevant in one decade of life versus another. This lecture will focus on these 10 herbs- the scientific research as well as the historical traditional uses in different decades and different health issues in a woman’s life.

Herbs to be discussed: Chaste tree, Black cohosh, Ginger, Green tea, Turmeric, Fenugreek, St. John’s wort, Valerian, Schisandra, and Cranberry.

The white paper and webinar below examine both evidence-based and traditional approaches to using ten botanicals, paying special attention to the uses of each in different decades and different health issues in a woman’s life.

Webinar - Top 10 Herbs in Women's Health

Download Webinar Recorded October 13, 2015. Presented by Dr. Tori Hudson, ND.


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