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Black Pepper

Piper nigrum

The dried fruit of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) has long been used as a culinary spice and as a traditional medicine, and today it is ubiquitous in most cuisines. Black Pepper is made from the plant’s unripened green drupes (stone fruit), which are called “peppercorns.” They are briefly boiled and dried or cooked. Native to southern and southeast Asia, Black Pepper’s use in Indian cooking dates to the first century BC, and it became popular across Europe during the Roman Empire. In ancient Greece, it was so valued that it was used as currency. The active constituent called Piperine is what gives Black Pepper its pungency.

What is Black Pepper Used For?

In Ayurveda, Black Pepper is a very common herb. It is traditionally considered to be a hot, pungent herb that stimulates agni, or digestive fire, by supporting the secretion of fluids and circulation of blood in the GI tract.*  Black Pepper’s most active constituent, Piperine, has been found to support the absorption of other herbs, specifically the Curcumins found in Turmeric, as well as Resveratrol.* One study found that combining Turmeric and Black Pepper increased the bioavailability of Turmeric by 154% versus Turmeric alone.* Piperine appears to support the inter-cellular permeability and uptake of Curcumins.* This active component works by supporting gastrointestinal transit, which promotes absorption.* According to research, Curcumins' bioavailability is supported when combined with additional polyphenols and herbs.* This is why Gaia Herbs includes Black Pepper in most formulations that contain Turmeric. Modern research has found that Black Pepper also provides its own foundational support similar to turmeric, and may aid cognitive function*.


Traditional Health Benefits of Black Pepper

Foundational Support
Foundational Support
Digestive Support
Digestive Support
Brain & Cognitive Support
Brain & Cognitive Support
Immune Support
Immune Support

Additional Information on this Herb

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