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Chaste Tree

Vitex agnus-castus

The Latin name Agnus castus means “chaste lamb” in reference to the early belief that it reduced sexual desire (it does not). Monks used it in ancient times. A tincture of the fresh berries was often used by the eclectic physicians as a galactagogue and emmenagogue. The primary use of this botanical has long occurred throughout Europe with traditional use for a variety of female hormone and gynecological conditions. The German Commission E has approved the use of Chaste Tree extract for the treatment of PMS. It is widely used in Germany and in Europe.

What is Chaste Tree Used For?

Chaste Tree berry has been well studied in clinical trials to support normal hormone levels, particularly progesterone. Many studies to date have demonstrated positive clinical outcomes for conditions related to the female menstrual cycle.


Traditional Health Benefits of Chaste Tree


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