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Euphrasia officinalis

Eyebright is a 1 to 5-inch, delicate, annual herb native to grassy meadows in Europe. It grows numerous small flowers with extraordinary vertical stripes of pale violet running down three white or at times reddish colored lobe shaped petals spotted with yellow or darker purple spots. It is steeped in history dating back to antiquity. There were three Charites or “Graces” (Roman) in Greek Mythology: Aglaia, the Grace that symbolized Beauty, Euphrosyne, the Grace of Delight and Thalia, the Grace of Blossom. According to Greek poet Pindar, these enchanting goddesses were created to fill the world with pleasant moments and goodwill. Thus the pretty little herb Eyebright helps bring delight to the Eyes of mere mortals; literally as well as figuratively. Surprisingly the classic Greek Physicians Dioscorides and Pliny do not mention this herb in their works. Many other early authors in works dating back to the 14th century mention the use of Eyebright both externally and internally support the eyes and sinuses.

What is Eyebright Used For?

Eyebright has very little odor, but does have a very characteristic bitter and astringent taste. It is no wonder that herbalists have thought to use this plant where bringing tone back to soggy, inflamed tissues was called for. It is not a well studied or researched plant, but does have a long standing tradition of use among Herbalists, Homeopaths, Naturopaths and Midwives. Aucubin; one constituent that is predominant in Eyebright, has been the focus of some clinical research, although none of it has been conducted on humans using it either topically or as an oral supplement. Further research is needed to fully understand the clinical applications, yet the traditional use remains quite popular and effective.


Traditional Health Benefits of Eyebright

Immune Support
Immune Support

Additional Information on this Herb

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