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Ziziphus jujuba

The herb Jujube date is not to be confused with the chewy candy popular in the earlier century in movie theaters. This is a deciduous shrub that will grow from 15-30 feet in height with shiny, oval shaped green leaves and thorny branches producing a reddish fruit. It is widely cultivated and distributed which makes it difficult to pinpoint the species origin, but it is thought to have originated somewhere between Iran and Eastern China. The fresh and dried fruits have been consumed in many different forms; jams, wines, dried fruits cooked as an ingredient in several dishes, in addition to other sweet beverages and confections. Traditional herbalists and practitioners have utilized the fruit, leaves, and seeds of Jujube Dates.

What is Jujube Used For?

The components of Jujube that are present in quantities likely to be responsible for observed activity are called triterpenes, known collectively for this herb as jujubosides. The jujubosides are nearly identical to the active constituents found in Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng), an herb that is traditionally used to support calm and as a general health tonic. The seed of Jujube date is used in a classic and often recommended formula in Traditional Chinese Medicine known as Zizyphus combination, a formula dating back to 220 A.D. This formula was recommended for supporting healthy sleep throughout the night.


Traditional Health Benefits of Jujube

Liver & Cleanse Support
Liver & Cleanse Support
Stress Support
Stress Support
Sleep Support
Sleep Support
Digestive Support
Digestive Support

Additional Information on this Herb

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