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Pau D'arco

Tabebuia impetiginosa

Pau D’arco is sometimes called "Purple Trumpet Tree", "Taheebo", or "Lapacho". It is widely distributed in South America and the Amazon Rainforest and notably used by indigenous tribes in Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. It is a very large tree and can grow up to 125 feet high. Traditional use dates back to historical records of the Incas as used to make Bow’s. It has been used as a traditional medicine by every native population that the tree grows for a wide variety of health concerns.

What is Pau D'arco Used For?

The bark of the tree is used in traditional medicine and usually prepared as a tea. It is used as a blood alterative, to support immune function, to support a normal inflammatory response in the body and topically for skin conditions as well as promoting a naturally healthy microbial balance of the intestinal tract. Modern research has focused on a group of alkaloid constituents referred to collectively as Lapachols. Surely the tannin content and entire activity of the bark contributes to the activity.


Traditional Health Benefits of Pau D'arco

Digestive Support
Digestive Support
Immune Support
Immune Support
Liver & Cleanse Support
Liver & Cleanse Support

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