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Senna alexandria

Native to Northern Africa, Senna has been used for hundreds of years — internally as a laxative and internal cleanser, and externally for skin health.* While senna is categorized as a stimulant laxative, it is milder in action than other botanicals used for the same purpose, such as aloe and rhubarb.

What is Senna Used For?

Senna is so effective it is an FDA-permitted monograph ingredient for the treatment of occasional constipation. Clinical trials have shown that Senna increases the frequency of bowel movements and is effective as a laxative for occasional constipation.* It also provides quick relief, working in 8-10 hours. There are several types of laxatives: bulk-forming (which add bulk to stool), hyperosmotics (which increase the amount of water in the bowels), lubricants (which coat the bowel) and stimulants, which act directly on the intestinal wall. Senna is both a stimulant and hyperosmotic laxative.* Senna leaf anthranoids have been documented to stimulate peristaltic contractions, helping move waste through the GI tract.* In addition, they increase levels of water and electrolytes in the intestines, softening stool and accelerate colonic transit time, increasing the frequency of bowel movements.*


Traditional Health Benefits of Senna

Digestive Support
Digestive Support

Additional Information on this Herb

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